Monday, November 7, 2011

Benchmarks for public sector performance of memberstates

Dear reader,

-draft to be continued -

the EU is well known for making some progress on comparable numbers for member-states when it comes to all kinds of statistics. Some of them quite useful some less and some even not all. So far so good. A short list of known facts about EU: import/export of goods & services, water usage per capita, alcohol usage per capita, Performance of schools and pupils (PISA), GDP and other economic indices etc etc ...
The goal is to make things transparent and also more comparable between those member-states or by setting standards to enhance chances for students, workers by standardization of working skills , exchange of goods when they cross borders fulfilling same standards etc. It is also intended to improve those ratings of member-states on the very rear end of such comparisons and therefore in the long run to improve situations by setting examples of best performance and exposing the worst performance. Using the ancient principle of carrot and stick if  you will order to be beneficiary for the common good.

Looking to the current mess we are in attributed to seemingly unlimited public spending of some (?) member-states of our beloved Euro zone i asked myself the question: What about data on public sector performance e.g. per capita ? So far i didn't come across such data on the net (maybe if someone has a clue or a hint... let's have it ..and it will linked !) which makes it more transparent what countries have best performance in different parts of their public services. Maybe in general measured in € per department and then per capita.

... Departments and known individual figures... (to be inserted)

... Balance sheets like in Hessen ... (to be inserted)

... Search for optimum like Slovenia ...

... Examples of lean states ...

... Principle of unlimited growth from within ...

The endgame should be clear to everyone: By  exposing the "black holes" of public spending it should force governments to first expose their quagmire of public spending habits and then also make those states performing worst to be forced to make changes to come closer the role models of individual categories.

Miljarden pompen we in zorg, onderwijs, politie. Zonder resultaat.
SCP: alles kan goedkoper

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