all posts(485)

All published blog entries from all EZR blogs
(as of Jan 1st 2014: still being compiled...)

latest: Urgent call for immediate overhaul of EU energy policies [EZRenergy,Mar 6th 2014]

either Sorted by chapters, themes: "e-book"  (may not be up to date/include all content!)

or the individual blogs:
Energy, environment, investment, development
Charts (most by Reuters, but also from other sources)
Video footage of EU developments, but also on economists, the ECB etc
Background info, translations, data compilations, etc
Emergency event blog *major calamities only*

or like this:
Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing interview (ARTE TV)
Slovenia: bank stress test results
A.D. 2013: Deflation is back in Europe
Germany's surpluses: discussion & facts
Letta, Italy’s Premier, Says His Goal Is to Move ‘From Austerity to Growth’(NYTimes)
Krugman: 20-30 years from now France will overtake Germany (population & GDP)
A perspective on the German ‘job miracle’: labor market outcomes and welfare after the labor market transformation
NL: ABN Amro to be reprivatized soon - taxpayer's 'rescue bill' likely between 7 and 22 bn €
France: government presents its "France 2025" vision for the country's future
Announcement: Twitter handle changed from andrs_mr to EZR_news (just an announcement)
state secret bank rescue (ARTE TV docu, German language)
Germany: Lastest figures released by FAZ re bank rescues since 2008 & Euro area liabilties
Update: German positions (on: Greek debt haircut (OSI),euro exit, forming 'grand coalition')
Portugal 2nd quarter GDP: +1.1% q/q , BUT (Portugal Statistics explains)
BBC: Das Auto - The Germans, Their Cars and Us (video,2013)
German finance minister Schäuble's statement on possible 2nd 'haircut' for Greece (OSI)
ECB's forward guidance: M Draghi, JC Trichet & B Coeuré statements (Bloomberg TV, video)
Schäuble's letter to Rösler: German KfW bank should aid Portugal and Spain (and possibly also Greece)
Germany: GDP 1st quarter 2013:+0,1% q/q , but -1,4% y/y (Destatis, detailed statistics)
BoE's Sir Mervyn King on Euro, Eurozone & UK Treasury's 'help to buy scheme' [video]
EU parliament's ECON committee: hearing on Cyprus Bailout (May7+8)
EU Commissioner Rehn comments on Spring economic forecast (NOS video)
EU Recovery and Resolution Directive (RRD) (re: bail-in )
[update]Christine Lagarde (IMF) visited UvA (Amsterdam University) May 7th
EXCLUSIVE: “Austerity is when you kill the patient", French finance minister Moscovici tells Reuters
Toward a Stronger Eurozone: Fostering Growth and Completing the Architecture of EMU (IMF discussion)
German FinMin Schaeuble confirms: Cypus is template for future bail-ins
Cross border exposures (BIS data)
Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) - new anti-Euro, anti-bailout party founded in Germany
Laiki bank and Bank of Cyprus - what went wrong ?
Cyprus - bail-in warnings before Eurogroup meeting & rescue delays from Berlin
NL: Available household income 3.2 percent down in 2012 & GDP shrinkage doubled
Dijsselbloem's bail-in doctrine - Template or not ?
Cyprus - Capital Controls
Cyprus - some facts
IMF: Slovenia 2013 Staff Visit—Concluding Statement of the Mission
Cyprus bailout deal (Eurogroup meeting March 15/16)
TV interview Beppe Grillo by Dutch public TV (Italian)
The Netherlands: Economic forecast 2013 & 2014
The UK loses its 'AAA' (Moody's rating agency)
Winter forecast 2013 - The EU economy: gradually overcoming headwinds
Some Dutch parties/individuals demand an EU referendum
Dutch finance minister Dijsselbloem new chairman of Eurogroup
EU publication: State aid to banks 2008-2011 : 1616 bn Euro
Announcemeant: There is yet another blog section available now (Just an announcement)
Sweden - Riksbank: Repo rate cut & economic outlook 2013 - 2015
Deutsche Bundesbank joins Twitter and starts tweeting
The crisis 2010 - 2012 from Angela Merkel's perspective
EU to accuse several banks over Euribor manipulation - WSJ
Positions of the Bundesbank
German elections part2: not too much on eurozone reforms
Rapid growth of German pension liabilities for public officials
Bavarian (German) bank whistleblower released from mental institution
Use KfW aid for Southern Europe wisely, do not create new 'bubble economy'
German elections 1: new anti-Euro party - Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD)
Eurogroup's 'bail-in' of central banks around the globe: 426 bn €
PAINI* 2b: Eurogroup responsible for confusion
PAINI part 2: Eurogroup creating EMU banking confusion
Panic about idiocy: Sinking Europe - part I Cyprus
Google Translate's accuracy decreased ?
SNSReaal: The failure of banking oversight and politics in NL
Mr Münchau overlooked important developments in Italy
Paul de Grauwe: Bedenken über Bankenaufsicht
"Opposition sucks"
The Eurozone's Design Failures: can they be corrected?
Some blind spots of ECB and Bundesbank
Waini*: (part 7) Chinese will look after German care recipients
Dutch FinMin de Jager: states acted as lender of last resort (video)
Look 80 years back
EU strategy 2020: Re-industrialization of European continent
The essence of MEFO bills - funding the production of goods only
Worry about idiocy not inflation - Inflation in post war Germany
Geldpolitik: Wenn Ideologie den Blick fürs Wesentliche verstellt
Der Spiegel, IMF, Greece and Troika
Task: Scuttle Greece ?
Germans you are not alone / Deutsche ihr seid nicht allein
Hjalmar Schacht and quantitative easing
Paul de Grauwe: Rettet die EZB die Eurozone ?
Simon Nixon: Europe Must Complete Its Single Market
EU China solar trade dispute
Mr Asmussen finally admits that ECB lost its grip
Deutschland's orthodoxy ueber alles ? (meet the Flintstones)
Your opinion can make a difference <- Fontsize (just an announcement/user feedback)
It's the politics , stupid !
Forget EFSF & ESM: give ECB LOLR capabilities
An oracle of the euro area: Paul de Grauwe !
Worry about idiocy not inflation (part5-II) Undetected risk - Humans
Portuguese, Irish should emigrate to other continents ?
Devaluation of the European common currency ?
ESM for Spain ? Irish & Belgian banks could get their bailout!
Worry about idiocy not inflation (part 6) Inflation itself
Krugman's "Operation Market Garden" (One bridge too far)
Roubini: "Give Germans 1000€ voucher for holidays in Southern Europe & tax breaks for real estate there"
Improving category issue (just technical advice)
Spain , Fitch, pain , fools and complacency
FTM: "Europe is like a soup tureen"
Where Paul Krugman got it wrong (Ivory tower vs ISS)
The EIB or why politicians should ask industry/entrepreneurs
"Either make up or break up"
Worry about idiocy not inflation (part 5) Undetected systemic risk - Humans
Christine Lagarde: Shoot the messenger ?
Worry about idiocy not inflation (part 4) - Helping Greek bureaucrats not businesses
They (euro creators) should have asked Paul de Grauwe
Overcoming the Euro crisis (part XXIV)
Open letter to German opposition leader Sigmar Gabriel
German Bundesbank accepts higher inflation in Germany
Worry about idiocy not inflation (part II) German austerity myth
Worry about idiocy not inflation (part I) Introduction
German FinMin Schaeuble listened to Paul Krugman
Banks May Have to Disclose Profits From ECB Emergency Loans
Bundesbank and German government about to fight real estate bubble
The Netherlands on its way to elections
The Netherlands: What's next ?
Some more info on the breakdown of Dutch cabinet
Handelsblatt: "ECB is the arsonist in the crisis"
How just one blogger (Paul Krugman) can change the world
Goooooood mooooorning Merkonti
Economists and medics
Greece: Project Helios doesn't need exports to the North
Creating an organized exchange of ideas (by using Twitter)
Shocking discovery: Europeans can blog
Blogging isn't the only thing Europeans can't do
National fiscal policies to counter ECB's main dilemma
Europe speaks German ! (# Bruegel: 'Europeans can't blog')
Yes Europeans learn how to blog (# Bruegel: 'Europeans can't blog')
Germany begins EU referendum debate ?
The vantage point of the frog
That's why Bruegel has made a good point (# Bruegel:'Europeans can't blog')
The ECB is just the fire fighter, arsonists acted before

German ZEW , equities and GDP 1998 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
German IFO and PMI 1998 - 2000 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone earning and new orders 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
The Netherlands 2007 - 2012: GDP , bond spreads , unemployment , PMI , debt to GDP etc
Falling maturity of new debt in Spain & Italy by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Eurozone earnings 2003 - 2012: core vs periphery by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone money supply , loans 1999 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Greece: retail sales 2001 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Spanish & Italian government bondholders 2011 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Spanish industrial production 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
German industrial output and GDP 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
UK unemployment 1975 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
US & eurozone industrial production 2002 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Italy: consumer confidence and GDP 1992 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Germany: 2-year yield vs ECB rate 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone PMI and rate changes 1999 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
France: manufacturing PMI vs GDP 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Industrial production Germany Netherlands France Italy Spain 2005 - 2012 /Reuters
Eurozone / euro area inflation 1999 - 2012 ECB repo rate / CPI by Vincent Flasseur
ECB bank borrowing and deposits 2008 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Greek industrial production and GDP 2001 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Central banks balance sheets 2002 - 2012: US, UK, Japan, Eurozone by Scott Barber/Reuters
Italy vs Spain 2007 - 2011: GDP, 10-year bond yield, unemployment, PMI, public debt to GDP, deficit to GDP
Spanish unemployment rate 1980 - 2011 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Hungary 2007 - 2012: GDP , 10-year bond yield, CPI, unemployment, debt to GDP, deficit to GDP
Swiss vs Eurozone inflation 1999 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Germany annual GDP 1993 - 2011 Reuters
unemployment rates Germany vs periphery 2004 - 2012
Greece: changes of unit labor costs and exports EU & other countries 2008 - 2012
Euro futures positioning 2007 - 2011 by Scott Barber/Reuters
ECB balance sheet 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Spanish banks and bad loans 1980 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Spain 2007 - 2012: GDP , 10-year bond spread, unemployment, debt to GDP, deficit to GDP, current account
European deficit/surplus to GDP ratios by Scott Barber/Reuters
Italy business confidence and GDP 1994 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
World steel production 2007 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
German IFO and PMI 1998 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
German ZEW vs IFO 1994 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
German CPI vs IFO index 1998 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
German 10-year real bond yield 1960 - 2012 by Scott Barber
Dexia assets as percent of GDP 1995 - 2011 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Global manufacturing PMIs 2008 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Portugal 2007 - 2011: GDP, unemployment, current account, debt to GDP, deficit to GDP
Italy bond yield above nominal GDP growth 1988 - 2012 by Scott Barber
France and Germany 2007 - 2011; GDP, 10-year bond yield, unemployment, PMI, debt to GDP, deficit to GDP
ECB bond buying 2010 & 2011 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Euribor EONIA spread 2007 - 2011 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone inflation and commodities 1995 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone government debt 2011 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone bond spreads 1995 - 1999: German 10 yr vs: Portugal, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, France
France GDP growth & consumption 2002 - 2011 by Vincent Flasseur
Eurozone unit labor costs 2000 - 2012: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, France, Germany
Spain vs Germany 2007 - 2012: GDP, 10-year bond yield, unemployment, PMI, debt to GDP, deficit to GDP
legal notice (Reuters)
Spanish unemployment and inflation 1978 - 2012 by Vinent Flasseur/Reuters
Italy: industrial orders and PMI 2005 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Inflation ex food and energy 1998 - 2012, UK, Eurozone, US, Japan
Italy vs Spain: debt , deficit and yield 2000 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARTS IN THE WORLD (various) by Simone Foxman, Business Insider
Swiss Central Bank SNB foreign exchange reserves Q2 2012 by Vincent Flasseur
Norway trade balance 1994 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
UK GDP, trade balance , sterling 1993 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
US, UK, France, Japan, Italy, Germany: economic growth 1999 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
European Central Bank in graphics (Reuters/ 16 charts)
ECB Bond buying 2010 - 2012 Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy (Scott Barber/Reuters)
Use of ECB marginal lending facility 2008 - 2012 (Scott Barber/Reuters)
ECB overnight deposits 2008 - 2012 (Scott Barber/Reuters)
Eurozone bond yields Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain 2010 - 2012
Sweden and Norway vs Eurozone, key indicators 2008 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Spain retail sales and confidence 2004 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Norway GDP growth 1998 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Eurozone (consumer / business) confidence indicators 2000 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
European services PMI 2006 - 2012: Germany , France , UK , Ireland , Spain , Italy
Greece 2012 - 2014: GDP projections vs reality, debt to GDP, budget
Sweden repo rate 1998 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Real GDP UK , US , Eurozone rebased to 100 in 2003 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Eurozone unemployment 1998 - 2012: Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany
Thomson Reuters special: Spain, credit ratings, budget , VAT, unemployment , inflation
UK employment 2002 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Greek unemployment rate by age 2004 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Germany trade balance vs Euro area 1970 - 2012 (Thomson Reuters/Fathom consulting)
Portugal current account 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 by Vincent Flasseur
IMF revisions to 2013 GDP growth forecast by Catherine Trevethan/Reuters
Jobseeker Allowance Claimants - UK map (
Greece: 2013 austerity measures agreed with EU, ECB & IMF
Global government bond returns 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
France and UK 10 year bond spreads over Germany 2007 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
German inflation and interest rates 1975 - 2013 by Scott Barber/Reuters
France trade balance 1970 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Italy GDP growth on previous year 1960 - 2013 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Poland - interest rates and inflation 2002 - 2012 by Scott Barber/Reuters
European new car registrations 1998 - 2013, France, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Germany, Spain, Italy
Bond yields, CDS price, stock market, ECB balance sheet, Target2, Deposits 2011 - 2013 /Reuters
Belgium: De-Industrialization in Flanders and Wallonia 2000-2011 (by @EdwinDeBoeck)
Italian governments vs GDP 1960 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Exports as % of GDP France vs Germany 1992 - 2012 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Eurozone bank deposits 2009 - 2013 Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Greece
Cyprus bank deposits 2009 - 2013 domestic, other eurozone, rest of the world
Core eurozone 10 year bond yields 1992 - 2013: Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria, Finland by VFlasseur/Reuters
French jobless claims and growth 1996 - 2013 by L_Thomas/Reuters
French consumer confidence & spending 2003 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Portugal current account 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
UK new car registrations 1965 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Spain & Italy: bad bank loans 1994 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Germany: trade balance , export growth, exports to euro area as pct to GDP 1994 - 2013 by V Flasseur/Reuters
Taxes & social security premiums comparison EU, US, Japan, Australia
10-year bond yields vs economy (composite PMI): Germany, France, Italy, Spain 2010 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
The Netherlands: house prices 1997 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Sweden: unemployment rate 2003 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
France: business climate vs GDP 1990 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Asset performance since Draghi London speech ("Whatever it takes") by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Sweden: trade balance, exports & GDP 2003 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Italy:(male /female /total) unemployment rate 1994 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Italy: youth unemployment rate 1994 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
France: unemployment rate 1985 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Finland GDP growth 2003 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
France: current account 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
UK industrial production 1988 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
France budget balance 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Portugal: ECB funding to Portuguese banks 2007 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Turkey current account balance vs TRY/EUR exchange rate 2003 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Ireland services PMI vs GDP QoQ % change 2001 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
France industrial production and GDP 2000 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Spain: current account balance 1994 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Euro zone real GDP rebased to 100 4Q/1998, 1999 - 2013, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Netherlands
Eurozone real GDP rebased to 100 since Q1/2008, 2007 - 2013 Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland by V.Flasseur/Reuters
French GDP by contributions: external trade, gross internal demand, inventory changes, GDP growth 2008 -2013 by V Flasseur/Reuters
UK real GDP & labor productivity, rebased to 100 as at Q1/2008, 1971 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
UK: unemployment rate & claimants 2004 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Greece: government bond yields, 10-year & 30-year, 2008 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
European services PMI by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
UK PMIs & BoE monetary policy 2005 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters
Ireland: Unemployment,persons registered, % change y/y (men/women) 2009 - 2013 by C Trevethan
German unemployment 2007 - 2013 by Scott Barber/Reuters
Banks govt bond holding flows 2011 - 2013: Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland by C Trevethan/Reuters
Belgium: Poverty and social benefits, 2003 - 2011, regions:Flanders,Wallonia &Brussels
France: Jobless claims trends 2004 - 2013 by Vincent Flasseur/Reuters

Energy, infrastructure, development, investment
EU decision on anti-dumping measures against Chinese solar products
Emergency post: Indian Cyclone #Phailin #Hamradio (additional info) #emergencycomms
Cyclone #Phailin: Emergency communication when landlines/mobile networks are down #India #Odisha  #emergencycomms
Small scale hydro power (documentary, video, German)
EBRD explains its 'coal policy'
Competitiveness of solar power in Southern Europe
„Inverter, Storage and PV System Technology 2013“
Armageddon - All energy suppliers needed after such an event including nuclear
Solar energy: Let's be realistic (part I - Photovoltaics)
Assessing Germany's shift to renewables
Solar farming in Africa:Green Electricity Powered by the Sun (video 5'33",info+fun)
Prevention strategies to limit impact of catastrophic events
Energy costs in EU member states
public investment banks (EU member states)
Feed in tariffs
African continent
EIB and EBRD projects
'Green' investments in other regions (<=outside Europe)
EU power production capacities
EU (&member states) energy policy
"RES LEGAL Europe": the Updated Legal Database for European Support Schemes for Renewables
Technical stuff about energy/power
Greece: Project Helios doesn't need exports to the North
European solar industry - background data
The EIB or why politicians should ask industry/entrepreneurs
EU China solar trade dispute
Announcement: Welcome !

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