Saturday, December 24, 2011

Major Players

Dear reader,

in this section you will find some articles about "major players" of the Eurozone. A section for statements of central bankers is already online and now available material about politicians will be supplied. Main priority is to provide some info of how those "players" are thinking and how they are influenced by their past and their character.
As always don't expect everything to be available from the beginning, but this will also be a "growing knowledge base". So by checking in once in a while you will find more info stored here. Pretty much the same procedure as in the other blog entries were there are the sometimes very dynamic events of the Eurozone are being put into their fitting blog entry (file). Also nothing new is the fact that some valuable info is only available in other languages. But e.g Google translate often delivers some usable results and perhaps a few articles were translated here on this blog. (Of course there will be a link if that's the case)

Govt stability: Very stable German parliament. Very hard to dissolve parliament in order to get to new elections before ending of legislature (strict constitutional provisions in order to prevent just that scenario). Only happened twice so far in history of FRG. Coalition partner weak in opinion polls but break up of coalition before 2013 unlikely where there will be new elections for the Bundestag. A reminder that last vote for enhanced EFSF had also large backing by opposition (some 85% majority) and A. Merkel first term (4 years) as chancellor was by forming a coalition with current opposition party SPD. It is rumored that many leading members of CDU (including herself) were quite satisfied with this so called "great coalition" (of the 2 biggest parties in Germany). So as long as CDU would achieve to stay largest block in parliament the next chancellor will likely be her again after next elections.  

Econ govt advice bodies: "The 5 economic wise"
These 5 People You've Never Heard Of Really Control The Fate Of Europe

The German chancellor Angela Merkel 

Angela Merkel: GDR past of an adjusted person #(Focus Oct 3rd 2010) 

Interview: "The longing for simple solutions is big" #(Der Tagesspiegel Sept 10th 2011)

At Günter Jauch (TV interviewer): Angela Merkel female Hercules in the Augean stables #(Die Welt Sept 26th 2011)

Dec 31st Deepening Crisis Over Euro Pits Leader Against Leader

The German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble 

The growth skepticism of the finance minister (eng)#(insm-ökonomenblog Jan 14th 2012)
The comeback of the man in the wheelchair #(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Dec 18th 2011)
Schäuble never had a chance against Kohl #(Die Welt Jan 25th 2011)
Wolfgang Schäuble: "I am lazy and convenient" #(Interview Die Zeit
"I am with heart and soul parliamentarian" #(Interview Tagesspiegel)
After public humiliation: Schäuble speaker resigns #(Der Spiegel Nov 9th 2010)
Schäubles book: Getting even with Kohl #(manager magazin Sept 20th 2000) 
Wolfgang Schauble admits euro bail-out fund won't halt crisis (The Telegraph Nov 30th)

selected statements by Mr Schäuble

The Netherlands

Govt stability: Rather weak. In fact it is a minority government since 3rd "coalition partner" (who only tolerates VVD/CDA coalition) is only backing majority of subjects not all. Especially on Euro topics govt parties of VVD/CDA has to rely on backing from opposition. PVV party with prominent leader Wilders is in fact open for reintroduction of dutch guilder if it is proven to be "cheaper" for the country. Because of wide support by opposition currently no big problem for FinMin de Jager. Early elections can be called relatively easy as it happened also when last govt was dissolved when Socialdemocrats stepped out of coalition. Regular new parliamentary elections in 2014  

Econ govt advice body: CPB 

The dutch prime minister Mark Rutte 

Govt website 

Twitter: @MinPres 

Dutch prime minister: The handling of the euro crisis must be quicker

Opinion poll: Rita Verdonk wins against Mark Rutte *(Elsevier May 24th 2006)

VVD leader Mark Rutte expels Rita Verdonk from parliamentary group *(NRC Handelsblad Sept 13th 2011)

The dutch finance minister Jan Kees de Jager 

Ministry of finance website

Twitter: @JCdeJager

Jan Kees de Jager: Benjamin and at once very experienced *(de Volkskrant)

Euro Crisis Shows Dutch Converge With Germany (Bloomberg )

De Jager Says Euro Crisis Requires Global Response, IMF Aid (Bloomberg)

Big mistakes made at introduction of euro *(de Telegraaf Dec 4th 2011) 

De Jager: „If you have savings, spend them“ 

The French president Nicolas Sarkozy  

Profile: Nicolas Sarkozy

Feature: Nicolas Sarkozy (The Economist) 

Merkel and Sarkozy deny crisis in relationship #(Der Spiegel)

Merkel and Sarkozy - Scenes of an arranged marriage #(Die Welt)

The president of the ECB Mario Draghi

Special Report: Mario Draghi's quiet revolution

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