A referendum whether or not they will remain a part of the UK or to become an independent state will be held on Sept 14th 2014 (Wikipedia)
Proponents of Scottish independence suggest it's possible to form a common currency (Pound) area union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Scottish Independence: SNP's Alex Salmond Claims Scotland Will Keep Pound, Queen and EU Membership (IBTimes, Nov 26th 2013)
There are others who don't share this view: Scottish independence: Osborne and Alexander dismiss SNP currency plan (BBC, Apr 13th 2013)
The new governor of the Bank of England held a speech outlining what is necessary to form a successful currency area. He draws some conclusions from shortcomings of the euro area and what is needed to avoid a repetition of those mistakes.
From the principles of an optimum currency area (OCA) to details of banking union including SSM,SRM. Certainly worth reading/viewing:
The speech by Mark Carney (links to pdf-transcript & video) (Bank of England, Jan 29th 2014)
some reports/comments on the speech: (to be continued)
Independence with pound would come with strings, Bank of England tells Scotland
(Reuters, Jan 29th 2013)
What is happening in the economic debate over independence for Scotland?
(mindfulmoney.com,Jan 30th 2014)
Carney blow to Scot split plan (City AM, Jan 30th 2014)