Saturday, May 25, 2013

Schäuble's letter to Rösler: German KfW bank should aid Portugal and Spain (and possibly also Greece)

Schäuble schreibt Rösler: KfW soll Portugal und Spanien helfen (N-TV, May 25th 2013)
Schäuble writes Rösler: KfW should aid Portugal and Spain
(aid program could possibly be extended to Greece)
KfW-Kredite: Schäuble plant Förderung für Unternehmen in Krisenländern (Der Spiegel, May 25th 2013)
Deutsche Krisenhilfe für Portugal und Spanien (, May 25th 2013)
Schäuble-Plan für Spanien schreckt Haushälter auf (Handelsblatt, May 27th 2013)
(Mr Rösler endorsed Mr Schäuble's proposal, details have to be hammered out)
Schaeuble to sign investment deal in Athens (Ekathimerini, Jul 13th 2013)

German KfW bank to help set up Portuguese financial body-finmins (Reuters, May 22nd 2013)
Germany's KfW to Offer Support for Portugal's SMEs-Ministers (WSJ, May 22nd 2013)
Staatliche Förderbank: KfW soll Portugal bei Firmenfinanzierung helfen (Handelsblatt, May 22nd 2013)


KfW (Wiki)
Philipp Rösler (Wiki)
Wolfgang Schäuble (Wiki)

KfW enhances its promotional capacity with another very positive result <= 2012: 2,4bn € profit
(,Apr 16th 2013)

public investment banks (EU member states) (EZRdevelop compilation)

last updated: May 26th 2013, 8:50 CET

Sunday, May 19, 2013

BoE's Sir Mervyn King on Euro, Eurozone & UK Treasury's 'help to buy scheme' [video]

(video, 22 minutes, Sky News, Sun May 19th 2013)
(On British economy, low interest rates, fiscal policy, 'help to buy scheme') 

(Also on increasing exports for weaker countries and increasing domestic demand in e.g. Germany, Eurozone as a danger to British recovery)

Help to Buy scheme (Guardian compilation)


Monday, May 6, 2013

EU parliament's ECON committee: hearing on Cyprus Bailout (May7+8)

Urgent ECON hearing with Dijsselbloem called for by ALDE Group (, Mar 29th 2013)

Week Ahead: May 6 to May 10 (WSJ, May 3rd 2013)
Talking about monetary union and Cyprus this WEEK (, Ma 3rd 2013)

"EU-TV" (EbS) schedule May 7th
"EU-TV" (EbS) schedule May 8th

 related reading:
MEPs angry at EU's Olli Rehn over treatment of Cyprus (BBC, Apr 17th 2013)
EU Parliament likely to back forced losses on wealthy failed bank depositors (Reuters, Apr 23rd 2013)
Cyprus Losses Spur EU Lawmakers to Bolster Depositor Protection (Bloomberg, Apr 9th 2013)

Friday, May 3, 2013

EU Commissioner Rehn comments on Spring economic forecast (NOS video)

source: Rehn: de situatie in Frankrijk is duidelijk slechter (c) by NOS TV, May 3rd 2013, English, 7 minutes 

Spring 2013 forecast: The EU economy – slowly recovering from a protracted recession (, May 3rd 2013)

EU Recovery and Resolution Directive (RRD) (re: bail-in )

[update Dec 12th 2013]

(Ángel Ubide, Peterson Institute, pdf, 9 pages) (via @raluca3000)


>>Bail-in takes shape but national inconsistencies likely to emerge…<< (KPMG)

source: EU Directive on Recovery and Resolution (KPMG, June 2012)

Proposal - European Commission - Europa (,pdf, 537kb, 171 pages)

[Liikanen report] (, pdf, 153 pages, Oct 2nd 2012)

Recovery and Resolution Planning: Making the Key Attributes Requirements Operational  
(FSB , pdf, 53 pages, Nov 2012) 

Working towards effective resolution... (KPMG, April 2012)

Asmussen: Bail-in bei Bankenabwicklung schon ab 2015 vorsehen (, May 5th 2013)
Asmussen: bail-in for bank resolution should be used from 2015 

ECB's Asmussen: Essential to Move Swiftly on All Aspects of Banking Union (WSJ, Apr 12th 2013)
HIGHLIGHTS-Comments from EU finance ministers, officials (Reuters, Apr 12th 2013)

Jörg Asmussen: CEEs and the crisis – current challenges and benefits  (BIS, pdf, 4 pages, Apr 29 2013)

Resolution and future of finance - speech by Paul Tucker (Bank of England, May 20th 2013)
Resolution mechanism for banking union can be created without treaty change, says EU's Barnier
(Ekathimerini, May 20th 2013)

EU Parliament Panel Seeks Depositor Preference in Bank-Loss Law (Businessweek, May 20th 2013)
EU draft bank rescue law would not shield big deposits (MSN Money, May 20th 2013)

note: (as usual) some more links might be added in the upcoming weeks