Schäuble writes Rösler: KfW should aid Portugal and Spain
(aid program could possibly be extended to Greece)
KfW-Kredite: Schäuble plant Förderung für Unternehmen in Krisenländern (Der Spiegel, May 25th 2013)
Deutsche Krisenhilfe für Portugal und Spanien (, May 25th 2013)
Schäuble-Plan für Spanien schreckt Haushälter auf (Handelsblatt, May 27th 2013)
(Mr Rösler endorsed Mr Schäuble's proposal, details have to be hammered out)
Schaeuble to sign investment deal in Athens (Ekathimerini, Jul 13th 2013)
Reuters: KfW to provide loans of €800m to Spanish SMEs as part of planned €1bln German aid…
— CapitalCityIFR (@CapitalCityIFR) 3 juni 2013
German KfW bank to help set up Portuguese financial body-finmins (Reuters, May 22nd 2013)Germany's KfW to Offer Support for Portugal's SMEs-Ministers (WSJ, May 22nd 2013)
Staatliche Förderbank: KfW soll Portugal bei Firmenfinanzierung helfen (Handelsblatt, May 22nd 2013)
KfW (Wiki)
Philipp Rösler (Wiki)
Wolfgang Schäuble (Wiki)
KfW enhances its promotional capacity with another very positive result <= 2012: 2,4bn € profit
(,Apr 16th 2013)
public investment banks (EU member states) (EZRdevelop compilation)
last updated: May 26th 2013, 8:50 CET