Sunday, June 24, 2012

Eurozone leaders & business leaders

Dear reader,

since it is the objective of this blog to highlight some events which the author considers to be 'underreported', here is another of those stories. Of course just one development among many others, but important enough to understand the newly elected French president's policies a bit better. The other reports on similar events in other country deliver some insight as well:

June 12th 2012 Hollande Meets Business Chiefs
May 02nd 2012 Energy summit at chancellery : What's next after energy U-turn (Tagesschau)(ger)
Jan 08th 2011   David Cameron calls industry leaders for UK growth summit

As usual: whenever similar stories are discovered on the Internet and/or Twitter they will be added later.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Jean-Claude Trichet on the Euro (video)

Dear reader,

here is a recent interview with the former president of the ECB on the Euro and current crisis. Although it's done by Dutch  public TV , it's in English with Dutch subtitles. There is only a short introduction in Dutch language (<1min).

(Adobe Flash player required) : 
(c) by Nieuwsuur (NOS)  (link if embedded video doesn't work)

The Euro Zone and the Global Crisis (J-C Trichet, New York Times, Mar 15th 2013)

And here are some more (written) statements of central bankers

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Announcement: There is a new chart section

Dear reader,

just a hint: today the new chart section of eurozoneremarks opened its gates ...

There is a new button in the middle of the horizontal navigation bar reading 'chart section NEW'. (Just below the big blog title 'Remarks on the eurozone')

So you can access this new section as well as the e.g. the opinion section from any blog entry you are currently reading here.

There might be some minor adjustments in this new section ahead but its structure and its content will remain unchanged. Some charts will be added later of course.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

French Investment Bank to launch in 2013

Eurozoneremarks - French investment bank
Jun 6th 2012 #
Public investment bank announced for 2013 in France (Basler Zeitung)
Jun 6th 2012 %
Moscovici outlines the shape of the future French investment bank (Les Echos)
Sep  12th  2012 %
The public investment bank - A weapon of 30+ bn € against crisis (LeMonde)
Sep  21st  2012 %
French FinMin Moscovici about supporting SME & investment bank(Moscovici's blog)

# = German , % = French language

last updated: Sept 22nd 2012