Friday, July 15, 2016

Emergency event in Europe - important info

current event
date: July 14 th 2016
location: Nice, Southern France
type: terror attack
casualties: 70+ dead, several wounded

(for this particular event,*EZR emergency blog*,updates likely)

additional info:

Attack in #Nice: First conclusions  [EZRopinion, Jul 17 2016]

Friday, March 25, 2016

Attacks in Belgium

please note:

There are some remarks regarding the attacks in Paris and also the more recent mass killings in Brussels.

Since the publisher of EZR is only human and already was fed up with flaws in EU security at the time the attacks in Paris took place, those blog entries are not like:

, but rather in the spirit of:

On the other hand: Don't worry - they just contain harsh, but factual criticism of flawed law enforcement practices, the unwitting elements of the political establishment and recommendations how to improve our response to the terrorist threat.

EZR opinion section
Belgian police: translation - "Suspect to be identified" (also CCTV footage of 'man with hat' from Brussels airport now available)


blog entries regarding: national security

It's possible that there will be some related blog entries in the 'disaster prevention section' of this blog in the near future.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Paris attacks: live streams